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Collective Nouns for Things and Places

Collective Nouns for Things and Places

26th March 2021 CHALLA Comments Off

Collective Nouns for Things and Places


Collective Nouns for Things and Places

Given below is a list of commonly used collective nouns for things and places, plants and plant products and food and drinks.

Collective Nouns for Things and Places

Sl.No. Name of the thing Collective Nouns for Things
01 Arrows a quiver of arrows
02 Beads a string of beads
03 Books a bunch/a library/a shelf/a set of books
04 Bushes a hedge of bushes
05 Cars a line of cars
06 Cards a pack/ a stack/a deck of cards
07 Chairs a stack of chairs
08 Colours a palette of colours
09 Computers a network of computers
10 Cotton a bale of cotton
11 Countries an alliance of countries
12 Cigars a box of cigars
13 Circuits a bank of circuits
14 Drawers a chest of drawers
15 Eggs a clutch of eggs
16 Events a series of events
17 Exercises a book of exercises
18 Film/Cloth a roll of film/cloth
19 Friends a group of friends
20 Furniture a piece/a suite of furniture
21 Glass a blade of glass
22 Gasoline a gallon of gasoline
23 Goods a catalogue of goods
24 Hay a bale of hay
25 Hope a glimmer of hope
26 Islands a group of islands
27 Jewellery a piece of jewellery
28 Keys a bunch/a ring of keys
29 Lightning a bolt of lightning
30 Luck a stroke of luck
31 Lorries a fleet of lorries
32 Money a pile of money
33 Mountains a range/a chain of mountains
34 Names a list of names
35 News a bit/a piece/an item of news
36 Notes a wad of notes
37 Maps an atlas of maps
38 Paper a piece/a ream of paper
39 Pearls a string of pearls
40 Photographs An album of photographs
41 Pictures a gallery of pictures
42 Poems an anthology of poems
43 Rain a drop of rain
44 Reeds a clump of reeds
45 Remedies a rabble of remedies
46 Roads a network of roads
47 Rooms a suite of rooms
48 Rumours a nest of rumours
49 Salt a pinch of salt
50 Ships a fleet/an armada of ships
51 Sand a heap of sand
52 Shoes a pair of shoes
53 Soap a bar of soap
54 Stars a cluster of stars
55 Stairs a flight of stairs
56 States a confederation/a union of states
57 Sticks a bundle of sticks
58 Sunshine a ray of sunshine
59 Tasks an agenda of tasks
60 Tests a battery of tests
61 Tools a set of tools
62 Trees a grove/a forest of trees
63 Toothpaste a tube of toothpaste
64 Vehicles a fleet of vehicles
65 Windmills a whirl of windmills
66 Wine a cellar of wine
67 Wool a ball of wool
68 Words/Phrases a glossary/a babel of words/phrases


Collective Nouns for Plants and Plants Products

Collective Nouns for Plants and Plant Products

Sl.No. Name of the Plant Collective Nouns for Plants
01 Alders a mess of alders
02 Arabidopsis an agar of arabidopsis
03 Aspen a clone of aspen
04 Aspens a trembling of aspens
05 Bananas a comb of bananas
06 Birches an advance of birches
07 Boxwoods a chamber of boxwoods
08 Brownies a pack of brownies
09 Cacti a spike of cacti
10 Corn a tassel of corn
11 Cottongrass a flurry of cottongrass
12 Dandelions a drift of dandelions
13 Durians a heap of durians
14 Ferns a firework of ferns
15 Flowers a bunch/a vase/a bed/a bouquet/a nosegay of flowers
16 Fruits a basket/a crate of fruits
17 Grapes/Bananas a bunch of grapes/bananas
18 Grass a tuft/a patch of grass
19 Hostas a horde of hostas
20 Maples a canvas of maples
21 Oaks a majesty of oaks
22 Orchids a rarity of orchids
23 Peaches an orchard of peaches
24 Peas a pod of peas
25 Peonies a droop of peonies
26 Plants a nursery/a clump/a pot/a row of plants
27 Prunus/Stone Fruit a henge of prunus/stone fruit
28 Redwoods a towering of redwoods
29 Rice a bowl of rice
30 Roses/Flowers a garden of roses/flowers
31 Shrubs a shrubbery of shrubs
32 Sphagnum a carpet of sphagnum
33 Succulents a reservoir of succulents
34 Sunflowers a vincent of sunflowers
35 Trees a clump/a grove/a copse/a spinney/a stand of trees
36 Yews a gloom of yews


Collective Nouns for Food and Drinks

Collective Nouns for Food and Drinks

Sl.No. Name of the Food Collective Nouns for the Food Items
01 Bread a loaf of bread
02 Bread a slice of bread
03 Cakes a batch of cakes
04 Cereal a box of cereal
05 Cheese a piece of cheese
06 Chocolate a bar/a square of chocolate
07 Chocolate a piece of chocolate
08 Cookies a pile of cookies
09 Honey a jar of honey
10 Margarine a tub of margarine
11 Milk a bottle of milk
12 Milk a carton of milk
13 Neat a kilo of meat
14 Pizza a slice of pizza
15 Rice a bowl of rice
16 Soda a can of soda
17 Sugar a kilo of sugar
18 Tea a cup of tea
19 Tea a packet of tea
20 Water a glass of water
21 Water a jug of water