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One word Substitutions

One Word Substitutions

13th April 2021 CHALLA Comments Off

One word Substitutions

One Word Substitutions Part – 2 (Forms of Government)

cracy words and -archy words of One Word Substitutions:

The suffixes -cracy and -archy came from Greek.  The meanings of the suffixes are -cracy means ‘power’ and -archy means ‘rulership’. These –cracy words and -archy words as part of one word substitutions in English talk about the forms of government.

Examples of governments formed with these one word substitutions :

  • Plutocracy is a rule or government by the wealthy.
  • Kakistocracy is a rule or government by the worst.
  • Anarchy is a rule or government of none.
  • Aristrarcy is rule or government by the best.

Here is a long list of cracy words and -archy words which indicate the form of government. 

One word Substitutions –cracy words (Forms of Government)

S.No. Word Meaning/Definition
1 acracy A rule or government by none
2 adhocracy A rule or government in an unstructured fashion
3 albocracy A rule or government by white people
4 androcracy A rule or government by men
5 anemocracy A rule or government by the wind; especially in being changeable
6 angelocracy A rule or government by angels
7 argentocracy A rule or government by money
8 aristocracy A rule or government by the nobility
9 arithmocracy A rule or government by simple majority
10 autocracy A rule or government by one individual
11 barbarocracy A rule or government by barbarians
12 bestiocracy A rule or government by beasts
13 bureaucracy A rule or government by civil servants
14 capelocracy A rule or government by shopkeepers
15 chirocracy A rule or government by physical force
16 chrysoaristocracy,


A rule or government by the rich or wealthy
17 corpocracy A rule or government by corporate bureaucrats
18 cottonocracy A rule or government by those involved in the cotton trade
19 democracy A rule or government by the people
20 demonocracy A rule or government by demons or evil forces
21 despotocracy A rule or government by despots or tyrants
22 diabolocracy A rule or government by the Devil
23 doulocracy,
A rule or government by slaves
24 ergatocracy A rule or government by the workers
25 ethnocracy A rule or government by an ethnic group or race
26 foolocracy A rule or government by fools
27 gerontocracy A rule or government by the aged
28 gynaecocracy, gynocracy A rule or government by women
29 hagiocracy A rule or government by holy men
30 hierocracy A rule or government by priests or religious ministers
31 idiocracy A personal rule; self-rule
32 infantocracy A rule or government by an infant
33 isocracy A rule or equal political power
34 jesuitocracy A rule or government by Jesuits
35 kakistocracy A rule or government by the worst
36 kleptocracy A rule or government by thieves
37 landocracy A rule or government by the propertied class
38 logocracy A rule or government of words
39 meritocracy A rule or government by the meritorious
40 mesocracy A rule or government by the middle classes
41 metrocracy A rule or government by mothers or women
42 millionocracy A rule or government by millionaires
43 millocracy A rule or government by mill owners
44 mobocracy A rule or government by mobs or crowds
45 moneyocracy A rule or government by the rich
The moneyed class as a dominant political force
46 monocracy A rule or government by one individual
47 narcokleptocracy A rule or government by those who profit from trade in illegal drugs
48 neocracy A rule or government by new or inexperienced rulers
49 nomocracy A rule or government based on legal system; rule of law
50 ochlocracy A rule or government by mobs
51 paedocracy A rule or government by children; paedarchy
52 pantisocracy A rule or government by all equally
53 papyrocracy A rule or government by newspapers or literature
54 partocracy A rule or government by a single unopposed political party
55 pedantocracy A rule or government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
56 phallocracy A rule or government by men
57 philosophocracy A rule or government by philosophers
58 physiocracy A rule or government according to natural laws or principles
59 pigmentocracy A rule or government by those of one skin colour
60 plantocracy A rule or government by plantation owners
61 plutocracy A rule or government by the wealthy
62 policeocracy A rule or government by police
63 polycracy A rule or government by many rulers
64 popocracy A rule or government by populists
65 pornocracy A rule or government by harlots
66 prophetocracy A rule or government by a prophet
67 psephocracy A rule or government resulting from election by ballot
68 ptochocracy A rule or government by beggars or paupers
69 punditocracy A rule or government by political pundits
70 quangocracy A rule of quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization
71 shopocracy A rule or government by shopkeepers
72 slavocracy A rule or government by slave-owners
73 snobocracy A rule or government by snobs
74 sociocracy A rule or government by society as a whole
75 squarsonocracy A rule or government by landholding clergymen
76 squattocracy A rule or government by squatters
77 squirocracy A rule or government by squires
78 statocracy A rule or government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
79 stratocracy A military rule or despotism
80 strumpetocracy A rule or government by strumpets
81 technocracy A rule or government by technical experts
82 thalassocracy A rule of sovereignty of the seas
83 theatrocracy A rule or government by gathered assemblies of citizens
84 theocracy A rule or government by priests or by religious law
85 timocracy A rule or government by the propertied class
86 tritheocracy A rule or government by three gods
87 xenocracy A rule or government by a body of foreigners


One word Substitutions -archy words (Forms of Government)

S.No. Word Meaning/Definition
1 anarchy A rule or government by none
2 antarchy An opposition to rule or government
3 aristarchy A rule or government by the best
4 autarchy A rule or government by an absolute ruler
5 biarchy, binarchy, diarchy, dinarchy, duarchy, dyarchy A rule or government by two people
6 chiliarchy A rule or government by one thousand people
7 cryptarchy A secret rulership
8 decadarchy, decarchy A rule or government by ten individuals
9 demarchy A rule or government by the people; popular government
10 demonarchy A rule or government by a demon
11 dodecarchy A rule or government by twelve people
12 ecclesiarchy A rule or government by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities
13 endarchy A centralised rule or government
14 ethnarchy A rule or government over an ethnic group
15 exarchy A rule or government by bishops
16 gunarchy, gynarchy A rule or government by women
17 gymnasiarchy A rule or government over a school or academy
18 hagiarchy A rule or government by saints or holy persons
19 hamarchy A rule or government by a cooperative body of parts
20 hecatontarchy A rule or government by one hundred people
21 hendecarchy A rule or government by eleven people
22 heptarchy A rule or government by seven people
23 heroarchy A rule or government by heroes
24 heterarchy A rule or government by a foreign ruler
25 hierarchy A rule or government by a ranked body; government by priests
26 hipparchy A rule or control of horses
27 hoplarchy A rule or government by the military
28 hyperanarchy A rule or condition of extreme anarchy
29 hyperarchy An excessive government
30 iatrarchy A rule or government by physicians
31 kritarchy A rule or government by judges
32 matriarchy A rule or government by women or mothers
33 monarchy A rule or government by one individual
34 myriarchy A rule or government by ten thousand individuals
35 navarchy A rule or rulership over the seas
36 octarchy A rule or government by eight people
37 oligarchy A rule or government by the few
38 paedarchy A rule or government by children
39 panarchy A universal rule or dominion
40 pantarchy A rule or government by all the people; world government
41 paparchy A rule or government by the pope
42 parsonarchy A rule or government by parsons
43 patriarchy A rule or government by men or fathers
44 pentarchy A rule or government by five individuals
45 phylarchy A rule or government by a specific class or tribe
46 plutarchy A rule or government by the wealthy
47 polarchy, polyarchy A rule or government by many people
48 pollarchy A rule or government by the multitude or a mob
49 squatterarchy A rule or government by squatters
50 squirearchy A rule or government by squires
51 stratarchy A rulership over an army
52 synarchy A joint sovereignty
53 tetrarchy A rule or government by four people
54 thalassiarchy A rule or sovereignty of the seas
55 thearchy A rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers
56 timarchy A rule or government by the propertied class
57 triarchy, tritarchy A rule or government by three people

Also, some other one-word substitutions which explain the forms of government have been given here for your reference.


A system or rule where unrestricted power is vested in a monarch or dictator


A rule or system where a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


A policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.


A system of rule or government where the state is seen as a loose federation of self-governing communities.


A system of government runs as per the constitution, esp a written constitution.


An organization of a state based on a corporative policy.


the rule of an absolute, or tyrannical government


A rule or government by a dictator or dictators


A system where the means of production should be spread as widely as possible rather than being centralized under the control of the state.


A system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return.


A rule by an emperor or a system of the imperial government.


A form of government that interferes minimum with individual rights and civil liberties.


A system or government formed by elected representatives of the people, rather than by a king or queen.


A political system based on the idea that all people are equal and should share equally in a country’s money.


A political system where we find only one political party which controls everything and does not allow any opposition parties.


The state or fact of being organized in a tribe or tribes.


A form of government by a tyrant or tyrants.


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