Nouns of Multitude When a Collective Noun denotes individual members or things of the group, it is called
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Nouns of Multitude When a Collective Noun denotes individual members or things of the group, it is called
Types of Nouns: Introduction to Types of Nouns: The noun is one of the eight parts of speech
The Noun - Case The Noun - Case Introduction: A grammatical case indicates the function of nouns and
Gender of the Noun: Introduction: The word ‘Gender’ comes from the Latin word ‘genus’ which means ‘kind’ or
Singular and Plural Nouns Nouns are the words used as the names of persons, animals, places, things, ideas
Possessive Nouns What is a Possessive Noun? When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or
A list of Partitives The Uncountable Nouns are the Nouns that cannot be counted. But these Nouns can
Appositive: What is an Appositive? (A Noun in Apposition) When we use two Nouns or Noun Phrases together
Compound Nouns: What are Compound Nouns? Compound nouns are nouns that are made from two or more
List of Countable and Uncountable Nouns: A noun, as we know, is a word that refers to a
Abstract Nouns: Introduction: An Abstract Noun is the one that names something which we cannot see or touch
Material Nouns Definition: Material Nouns are the names of materials or substances out of which things are
Common Nouns: Introduction: When a noun refers commonly to any person, place or thing of the same kind