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List of Partitives

A list of Partitives

7th May 2021 CHALLA Comments Off

A list of Partitives

List of Partitives

The Uncountable Nouns are the Nouns that cannot be counted.  But these Nouns can be made countable by the use of partitives.


For example:

Gold is an Uncountable Noun.  But we can measure or count it by the use of a bar of / a gram of gold.

Here is a list of partitives examples for your ready reference.

A bag of flour rice sugar sand cement
A bar of soap gold chocolate iron candy
A bit of work a headache luck salt fun
A bale of hay cotton fibre wastepaper
A blade of grass wheat metal
A bottle of wine whiskey coke water milk
A bowl of rice curd soup dal seeds
A box of matches crayons sweets candies cookies
A breath of fresh air wind freedom life
A carton of books cigarettes ice-cream milk
A can of food oil meat  juice soda
A cup of coffee soup tea camomile chocolate
A drop of blood rain ink water oil
A fit of anger temper coughing jealousy sneezing
A game of politics chance chess tennis golf
A glass of milk whisky beer water wine
A glimmer of hope light a smile lighting
A grain of salt rice sand truth
An item of clothing news business jewellery
A jar of jam butter honey pickle
A morsel of information toast consolation loyalty food
A pair of glasses gloves scissors trousers jeans
A pang of hunger guilt nostalgia regret sadness
A pat of butter cheese flamingoes
A piece of advice information art luggage poetry
A roll of paper tape newsprint bills film
A scrap of work paper truth evidence difference
A slice of bread meat cake lemon cheese
A speck of sugar milk truth soot dust
A spot of bother lunch light oil
A spoonful of Sugar  syrup whiskey honey
A torrent of abuse lava angry words criticism insults
A tube of toothpaste glue lipstick lotion


A list of partitives with example sentences PDF