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7th May 2021 Comments Off

A list of Partitives The Uncountable Nouns are the Nouns that cannot be counted.  But these Nouns can be made countable by the use of partitives.   For example: Gold is an Uncountable

4th May 2021 Comments Off

Appositive: What is an Appositive?  (A Noun in Apposition) When we use two Nouns or Noun Phrases together to refer to the same person or thing in a clause, the second is said

4th May 2021 Comments Off

Compound Nouns:   What are Compound Nouns? Compound nouns are nouns that are made from two or more words. They are combined to create a new meaning.  Each Compound Noun acts as a

4th May 2021 Comments Off

List of Countable and Uncountable Nouns: A noun, as we know, is a word that refers to a person, a place, a thing, or an event.  Nouns can be classified into many ways.

4th May 2021 Comments Off

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Introduction: A noun, as we know, is a word that refers to a person, a place, a thing, or an event.  Nouns can be classified into many ways. Here

3rd May 2021 Comments Off

Abstract Nouns: Introduction: An Abstract Noun is the one that names something which we cannot see or touch like friendship, love, youth, death, anger, etc., Since they have no physical existence, we can

3rd May 2021 Comments Off

Collective Nouns: Definition: When a noun refers to the individuals or things as an undivided single unit, it is called a Collective Noun.    Examples: Class, crowd, bunch, team, flock, herd, army, group,

3rd May 2021 Comments Off

Material Nouns   Definition: Material Nouns are the names of materials or substances out of which things are made.  Material nouns are uncountable nouns, we cannot count them as they are in the

3rd May 2021 Comments Off

Common Nouns: Introduction: When a noun refers commonly to any person, place or thing of the same kind or class, we call it a Common Noun. Most of the nouns are Common Nouns

3rd May 2021 Comments Off

PROPER NOUNS:   Introduction to Proper Nouns: When a noun refers to a particular person, place or thing, it is called a Proper Noun.  The words that come under this category of Proper

14th April 2021 Comments Off

Types of meals Have you ever wondered at the different names of the meals that we take during the day? Most of us may be familiar with Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.  But what

13th April 2021 Comments Off

  The following is a list of one word substitutions that shows how we call experts or specialists in the medical field.   List of One word Substitutions: Part - 4 Who is

13th April 2021 Comments Off

One word substitutions -cide words: Part - 3   The suffix -cide came from the Latine word ‘caedere’ which means killing.  The words end in -cide are known as killer-words and also the part

13th April 2021 Comments Off

One Word Substitutions Part - 2 (Forms of Government) -cracy words and -archy words of One Word Substitutions: The suffixes -cracy and -archy came from Greek.  The meanings of the suffixes are -cracy

26th March 2021 Comments Off

Collective Nouns for Things and Places   Given below is a list of commonly used collective nouns for things and places, plants and plant products and food and drinks. Collective Nouns for Things