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14th June 2021 Comments Off

Omission of the Relative Pronoun: Introduction to Omission of the Relative Pronoun: The Relative Pronoun introduces the relative clause and can be a subject or an object of the verb or the object

14th June 2021 Comments Off

Relative Pronouns: What are Relative Pronouns? Relative Pronouns are used to join a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun (antecedent) in the previous clause. The Relative Pronoun introduces the relative clause

14th June 2021 Comments Off

Reciprocal Pronouns: Reciprocal Pronouns are used when two or more nouns express a mutual or reciprocal action in a sentence. The Reciprocal Pronouns are ‘each other’ and ‘one another.’  The main purpose of

14th June 2021 Comments Off

Possessive Pronouns: Possessive Pronouns replace a noun with an apostrophe and "s" to show ownership or possession of a noun. These pronouns are mainly used to substitute a noun or a noun phrase

14th June 2021 Comments Off

Distributive Pronouns: Distributive Pronouns refer to persons or things one at a time. It considers the members of a group separately, rather than collectively. This pronoun is always singular and is used with

13th June 2021 Comments Off

Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns don't refer to any particular person or thing. They are used to point to persons or things in general. These pronouns can function as singular, plural or both (singular

13th June 2021 Comments Off

Demonstrative Pronouns A Demonstrative Pronoun is used to replace a noun or a pronoun that has already been mentioned in a sentence. This pronoun is used mainly to avoid repetition that may lead

13th June 2021 Comments Off

Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns   Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns are used when the action done by the subject refers back to the subject in a sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns replace the object

13th June 2021 Comments Off

Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns are used in place of specific people or things that we are talking about. We use these Personal Pronouns keeping in view of the Number, Person, Gender and Case:

18th May 2021 Comments Off

Nouns of Multitude When a Collective Noun denotes individual members or things of the group, it is called a Noun of Multitude.   Examples:  Committee, team,  syndicate, faculty, audience, public, company, Congress, orchestra,

17th May 2021 Comments Off

Types of Nouns:  Introduction to Types of Nouns: The noun is one of the eight parts of speech and it plays a very significant role in English Grammar. The verb is the first

17th May 2021 Comments Off

The Noun - Case The Noun - Case Introduction: A grammatical case indicates the function of nouns and pronouns in regards to their relationship with other words in a sentence.   Noun -

17th May 2021 Comments Off

Gender of the Noun: Introduction: The word ‘Gender’ comes from the Latin word ‘genus’ which means ‘kind’ or ‘type’. A Gender is a noun that shows whether the noun is Masculine, Feminine, Common

16th May 2021 Comments Off

Singular and Plural Nouns Nouns are the words used as the names of persons, animals, places, things, ideas or events. There are two types of nouns in English Grammar. One refers to the

8th May 2021 Comments Off

Possessive Nouns What is a Possessive Noun? When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we use the Possessive Nouns. These nouns can be singular or plural. It is